Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Injury Update

Here's the walking wounded for the week....

15 Day DL - name -team -eligible return date

Apollo Henry Syracuse ( 6/17)

Dave Krause Oklahoma City (6/18)

Joe Truman New York 1 (eligible now)

Diego Diaz Nashville (eligible now)

Tony Conti Montreal (6/25)

Cesar Fernandez Montreal ( 7/10)

Victor Sparks Mexico City (6/18)

Jose Lima Jacksonville (6/19)

Greg Erickson Jacksonville (eligible now)

Ryan Smith Iowa City (eligible now)

Dutch Morgan Detroit (6/24)

Ken Houston Columbus (eligible now)

60 Day DL

Jorel Benes Washington DC (6/21)

Lariel Flores Nashville (6/24)

Pablo Machado Monterrey OUT FOR SEASON

Dave Truman Monterrey OUT FOR SEASON

Alejandro Redondo Kansas City OUT FOR SEASON

Darryl Brown Houston OUT FOR SEASON

Charles Kelly Helena (7/7)

Casey Romero Fargo OUT FOR SEASON

Alberto Aparicio Detroit OUT FOR SEASON

Don Gang Baltimore OUT FOR SEASON

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